Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lab 3 Neo Geography: My Own Map of Restaurants Options For My Girlfriend's Anniversary Date

View Restaurants Options For My Girlfriend's Anniversary Date in a larger map
Also, write a commentary (two paragraph minimum) about the pitfalls, potential and consequences of neogeography.

Neogeography has been blurring the line between the producers, communicators and consumers of geographic information. The new web 2.0 lets users interact between the world wide web. The relationship between professional and amateur is different across thi area. Geography is familiar to everyone, and the compilation of geographic data have become easier to obtain.
The new technology that is used for neo geography can be used by everyone from MapQuest to Google Maps, and it is a lot cheaper than buying a physical map. However I feel that as people are more dependent on virtual maps, they will also end up losing their sense of direction. People nowadays are very reliable on GPS systems and neogeographical technology that if it all stopped working, they would not have that good of a sense of direction and may end up being more lost than ever. I feel that the pitfalls of neo geography can include having information on the web that may not be as reliable. Since information can be volunteered by amateurs, the information may not be that reliable.
However, in the end i feel that neogeography and all associated technology will help direct people in their lives in a better and more efficient manner. It will give people the ability to have the world in their hands and they will be able to travel the world from their couch at home. It will also reduce the paper usages used in physical maps. The potential for neo geography is very beneficial for everyday uses, I know i use it almost every other day!

1 comment:

  1. Good job. I hope your girlfriend enjoys where ever you choose.

