Monday, May 3, 2010

Lab Week 4

This was my first experience with ArcMap and I found it rather intuitive, interesting and interactive. The program allows users to become creative and it also allows users to perform spatial analysis as well as other urban planning projects. I honestly think that this program is really cool and fun. I have always loved the idea of making map projections and creatively making things with computer software.
The potentials of GIS can be used to achieve many things ranging from calculating population density in regions to looking at decibel levels from an airport affecting schools. I like how it can help with urban planning and this field of study is currently very high demand with businesses. I feel like this program can help me gain some cutting edge technical knowledge about the whole idea of what geographic information systems truly is. The technology seems state- of- art and seems like it would be very vital and have great potential with futures in satellite imagery and global positioning systems.
The pitfalls of GIS can probably range from this technical procedure being very tedious and time consuming. I felt that it would take a lot of practice and trial and error to figure it out and master the GIS programming. I got very frustrated the first time using it since I feel that I am not very computer savvy but I feel that with practice I can apprehend these skills. Some of my friends that have taken intermediate and advanced GIS have told me that they have taken hours on certain projects and it is just basically very time consuming and if you make some small mistake, you may have to redo big steps. I find the task daunting and tedious but I feel that I can work through it.
I feel that if I can learn and master GIS programming, I can possibly make a career out of it since I hear that GIS is a hot market nowadays. I think that this would be a very interesting career field to get involved in because I feel that GIS can be very versatile and can be applicable to many fields in the world ranging from the environment to business planning. I feel like it will continue to frustrate me before I can feel completely comfortable but I’m still having fun.

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